PI Ceramic offers extensive know-how and a wealth of experience in the manufacturing of assembled piezo-ceramic components and sub-systems. Benefit from this knowledge and discover more about the world of the piezo effect.
PI Ceramic offers a variety of different piezoelectric materials including lead-free materials.
Physical basics and explanations of piezo electricity and electromechanics.
Characteristics of piezoceramic actuators: Displacement modes, forces and stiffnesses, dynamics. Ambient conditions.
Piezo components use the piezoelectric effect to generate and detect ultrasonic waves, e.g. by means of runtime measuring or the principle of the Doppler effect.
PI Ceramic offers a wide range of manufacturing technologies: Pressing or tape technology, assembling technology and testing procedures.
Highly reliable and extended lifetime through the patented manufacturing process for multilayer actuators.
Manufacture, functional principle and typical working parameters of DuraAct patch transducers explain the possible force generation and deflection.
Components, Technologies, Operation
Fundamentals, Characteristics and Applications